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The Many Different Lumber Products For Construction

At Durham Building Supplies, we stock and supply a wide range of lumber products to customers in different parts of Canada. For years, we are committed to providing the highest standards of quality, integrity, and service. Whatever your requirements are, whether you need construction grade lumber or high-end lumber products, we readily meet your specific needs and deliver your order on time. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff provide you the needed help to choose the right lumber product you're looking for.

Types of Lumber

KD Lumber - Kiln Dried Lumber (KD lumber) is heat-treated lumber that has gone through a drying process in an enclosed space where its temperature and humidity are controlled to eliminate moisture. This export-compliant wood is used in indoor, outdoor, and structural applications. It has the following benefits-improved stability, cost- effective, easier to handle & finish, and less vulnerable to rot.

Plywood - Plywood is often chosen to be a substitute for solid wood because of its excellent benefits. They are lightweight, durable, and stronger than solid wood, eco- friendly, and offer more value for money. Though not a natural product, plywood is now the primary choice for builders and home owners.

OSB-Oriented Strand Board or OSB are made from thin wood strands that are then mixed with wax / adhesive and hot-pressed as sheets. They are great for roofing, less expensive, and have greater shear strength than plywood.

LVL-Laminated Veneer Lumber or LVL is a widely used lumber product for constructional applications, Manufactured from multiple thin layers of veneer, they provide a cost-efficient and sustainable building material and has the advantages of high strength and structural reliability.

RIM Board - RIM boards are highly advantageous because of their high strength, structural reliability, and stability. They can be made with either plywood, OSB, or LVL and are available in different specifications to match your requirements.